As an expert in nutrition, let me elevate your company or brand’s credibility!
Media Services
Elevate your brand pitch to your ideal customers and give them healthy nutrition advice from the expert.
I’m proud to partner with you to bring your brand’s story to the table and make it appetizing for your future consumer.
I love to…
Create new recipes
Demo unique ways to use your product
Explain your product’s usefulness
Describe your product’s nutritional value
Take the science and make it simple to create effective product marketing strategies.
I work with multi-million-dollar brands, translating complicated scientific facts into easy-to-understand messaging to support marketing and sales teams launch nutritional products to the masses. With my training and MS in Nutrition knowledge base, I’m ready to help you achieve it.
Seasoned, relatable and powerful, bring your script to life with professionalism and personality.
I’m thrilled to represent your company as a brand spokesperson on-camera for social media, satellite media tours, TV segments and online or print publications. Together, we’ll connect, review your product pitch and perfect it for your upcoming media opportunities.
Take the guess-work out of nutrient analysis and health claims for your products. Build trust in your brand by providing customers with expert-backed nutrition information they can count on.
Why Have We Stopped Eating for Pleasure?
Feature article on Medium.
Please Don't Comment on My Body
Feature article on Medium.
Eating Disorders are Not Lifestyle Choices
Feature article on Medium.